Personal & Professional Notes

Notes are organized by year and last name and are updated as information becomes available to us.


Bezerra, Rafael

Rights beyond the courtroom: a comparative case study between Brazil and Colombia
Editora Lumen Juris

Craib, Raymond

The Cry of the Renegade: Politics and Poetry in Interwar Chile
Oxford University Press


Fenwick, Tracy Beck

Avoiding Governors: Federalism, Democracy, and Poverty Alleviation in Brazil and Argentina
University of Notre Dame Press


Hentschke, Jens R

Philosophical Polemics, School Reform, and Nation-Building in Uruguay, 1868-1915: Reforma Vareliana and Batllismo From a Transnational Perspective
Baden-Baden: Nomos


Hentschke, Jens R

Positivismo ao estilo gaúcho: a ditadura de Júlio de Castilhos e seu impacto sobre a construção do Estado e da nação no Brasil de Getúlio Vargas
Porto Alegre: EdiPUCRS

Hershberg, Eric and William M. LeoGrande, eds

A New Chapter in US-Cuba Relations: Social, Political and Economic Implications
New York: Palgrave Macmillan


Moore Town Granny Nanny Cultural Group

Granny Nanny Come Oh: Jamaican Maroon Kromanti and Kumina Music and Other Oral Traditions


Ranis, Peter

Cooperatives Confront Capitalism: Challenging the Neo-Liberal Economy
London: Zed Books


Rothman, Franklin

Brooklyn, NY to Bocaiúva, Brazil: A Peace Corps Love Story
Peace Corps Writers


Shtromberg, Elena

Art Systems: Brazil and the 1970s
University of Texas


Silva, Fernando Teixeira da

Trabalhadores no Tribunal - Conflitos e Justiça do Trabalho em São Paulo no Contexto do Golpe de 1964
Alameda Casa Editorial


Wagner, John

Fighting For Love, Spirituality, and Human Rights in Violence-Ridden Peru
Kelly House



Albuquerque, Severino J.; Bishop-Sanchez, Kathryn (editors)

Performing Brazil: Essays on Culture, Identity, and the Performing Arts
The University of Wisconsin Press


Amador, José

Medicine and Nation Building in the Americas, 1890-1940
Vanderbilt University Press


Arnold, Dean E.

The Evolution of Ceramic Production Organization in a Maya Community
University Press of Colorado

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