Today at LASA2021 All times shown as EDT (New York, USA)
A Conversation with Sidney Tarrow: What Europe and the United States Can Learn From Latin American Social Movements – But Hasn’t
Invited Session
Desigualdades sociales y centralidad de la vida
Presidential Session • Open Access
Extractivismos en las Américas
Presidential Session • Open Access
Press here to go to the program and look for your session. The filter will search for the day you have selected. Once your session appears in the “Live Sessions” area, click “Attend Session”.

Meetings (4)
Book Presentations (7)
Affect, Gender and Sexuality in Latin America
11:15 am – 11:45 am EDT
El Modernismo y Orígenes
12:45 pm – 1:15 pm EDT
Engendering Revolution: Women, Unpaid Labor, and Maternalism in Bolivarian Venezuela
1:30 pm – 2:00 pm EDT
La Economía Política de las Reformas del IVA en Venezuela: Impactos Distributivos y Fiscales
2:15 pm – 2:45 pm EDT
Peripheral Nerve Health and Medicine in Cold War Latin America
3:00 pm – 3:30 pm EDT
Venezuela en la Encrucijada: Radiografía de un Colapso
3:45 pm – 4:15 pm EDT
Peace and Rural Development in Colombia: The Window for Distributive Change in Negotiated Transitions
4:30 pm – 5:00 pm EDT