We would like to thank our donors for their support. Without your generosity, LASA would not be what it is today.
- Arizona State University
- Boston College
- Center for Iberian and Latin American Studies, University of California, San Diego
- Center for International Affairs, Harvard University
- Center for International Perspectives, University of New Hampshire, Durham
- Center for International Studies, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, New York University
- Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, University of Connecticut, Storrs
- Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
- Center for Latin American Development Studies, Boston University
- Center for Latin American Studies, Arizona State University
- Center for Latin American Studies, Brown University
- Center for Latin American Studies, Georgetown University
- Center for Latin American Studies, University of California, Berkeley
- Center for Latin American Studies, University of Chicago
- The Center for Latin American Studies, University of Chicago
- Center for Latin American Studies, University of Florida
- Center for Latin American Studies, University of Pittsburgh
- Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies, University of California, San Diego
- Centre d' Etudes Interamericaines
- Centre d'études et de recherches internationales de l'Université de Montréal (CERIUM)
- Còllege des Amériques (COLAM), Organisation Universitaire Interamericaine (OUI)
- Columbia University
- Committee on Latin American and Iberian Studies, Harvard University
- Concordia University
- Cornell University
- Council of Latin American Studies, Yale University
- Council on Latin American Studies, Duke University
- Dartmouth College
- David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies, Harvard University
- El Colegio de Jalisco
- Film Buffs Institute, Loyola University
- Florida International University
- Georgetown University
- Georgia State University
- Harvard Institute for International Development
- Harvard University
- Indiana University
- The Institute for the Study of International Development, McGill University
- Institute for/of Latin American Studies, University of Texas, Austin
- Institute of Latin American Studies, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- ITESM-Guadalajara
- Kellogg Institute for International Studies, University of Notre Dame
- Kennesaw State University
- Latin American and Caribbean Center, Florida International University
- Latin American and Caribbean Center, University of Florida
- Latin American Institute, University of New Mexico
- Latin American Studies Committee, Stanford University
- Latin American Studies Program, Cornell University
- Latin American Studies Program, Emory University
- Latin American Studies Program, Ohio State University
- Latin American Studies Program, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
- LLILAS-BENSON, Latin American Studies and Collections
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- McGill University
- The MIT School of Humanities and Social Sciences
- Mount Holyoke College
- New York University
- The North-South Center of the University of Miami
- Occidental College
- Pan American University, Edinburg, Texas
- President and Mrs. Eamon Kelly, Tulane University
- Program in Latin American Studies, Princeton University
- Roger Thayer Stone Center for Latin American Studies, Tulane University
- Smith College
- Tufts University
- Universidad de Guadalajara
- Universidad de Puerto Rico
- Université du Québec à Montréal, UQAM
- Université Laval
- University at Albany, SUNY
- University of California, Latin American Center
- University of California, San Diego
- University of Florida
- University of Houston
- University of Illionois at Urbana
- The University of Minnesota
- University of Nevada
- University of North Texas
- University of North Texas, Department of Political Science
- University of Notre Dame
- The University of Pittsburgh
- The University of Richmond
- The University of Texas at Arlington
- The University of Texas at Dallas
- The University of Texas, Austin
- Wellesley College
- Agency for International Development / Women in Development
- Ayuntamientos de Guadalajara, Zapopan and Tlaquepaque
- Bureau of Education and Cultural Affairs of the U.S. Department of State
- The Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)
- Canadian Social Sciences and Humanities Resource Council
- Centre for Developing Area Studies (CDAS)
- Embassy of Chile
- The Foreign Service Institute
- Gobierno del Estado de Jalisco
- The Inter-American Development Bank
- International Communications Agency, American Republics
- International Development Research Centre (IDRC)
- The North-South Center, UNESCO
- The Organization of American States
- Programa de Estudios Conjuntos sobre las Relacinoes Internationales de America Latina
- Quebec Ministry of International Relations
- The U.S. Agency for International Development
- The U.S. International Communications Agency
- World Trade Center, New Orleans
- The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
- Arca Foundation
- AVINA Foundation
- The Christopher Reynolds Foundation
- Farm Foundation
- The FORD Foundation
- The FORD Foundation, Brazil
- The FORD Foundation, Mexico City
- Fundacion para la Promocion de la Investigacion del Banco de la Republica, Colombia
- The Howard Heinz Endowment
- The Inter American Foundation
- The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
- The Kettering Foundation
- The Lampadia Foundation
- Open Society Foundations
- OXFAM America
- Samuel H. Kress Foundation
- The Tinker Foundation, New York
- The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
Kalman Silvert Society
- Edna Acosta-Belen
- Joseph Arbena
- Arturo Arias
- Silvia Arrom
- Cole Blasier†
- Cornelia and Jan Butler Flora/Flora
- Ronald Chilcote
- John and Patricia Coatsworth
- Carmen Diana Deere
- Arturo Escobar
- Richard Fagen
- Merilee Grindle
- Kevin Healy
- Evelyne Huber
- Gabriela/Guillermo Ippolito-O'Donnell†
- Jane Jaquette
- Gil Joseph
- Robert Kaufman
- Ilse Leitinger
- William Leogrande
- Cynthia McClintock
- Kevin Middlebrook†
- Marysa Navarro†
- David Scott Palmer†
- Milagros Pereyra-Rojas
- Helen Safa†
- Lars Schoultz
- Barbara Stallings†
- Ma. Herminia Tavares de Almeida
- George Vickers†
Leadership Circle
2024 Leadership Circle
$5,000 +
- Sylvia M. Keller and Billie R. DeWalt
- Milagros Pereyra-Rojas and Enrique Mu
$3,000 - $4,999
- Chris N. Lesser
- Roxana Yichoy
$1,000 - $2,999
- Laura V. Dierksmeier
- Charles R. Hale
- Jonathon Reddig
- Consuelo Saizar
$500 - $999
- Laura Demaria
- Liisa L. North
- Amanda M. Smith
- Lynn M. Stephen
$50 - $499
- Sonia E. Álvarez
- William M. Atkins
- Catherine M. Boyle
- Krista M. Brune
- Jo-Marie Burt
- Alina Camacho-Gingerich
- Maxwell A. Cameron
- Hugo Ceron-Anaya
- Robert J. Cottrol
- Carmen Diana Deere
- Ralph S. Della Cava
- Alberto Diaz-Cayeros
- John Dinges
- Laura J. Enriquez
- Elizabeth Fitting
- Bertha J. García-Gallegos
- Mary Elizabeth Ginway
- Rebecca A. Hanson
- Susanna B. Hecht
- Rosalva Aida Hernández Castillo
- Denise Humphreys Bebbington
- Hector Iglesias Pascual
- Nora E. Jaffary
- Gwen Kirkpatrick
- Mirna Kolbowski
- Brooke Larson
- Blake Seana Locklin
- David Luis-Brown
- Natalia Majluf
- Concepción Martínez
- Cynthia McClintock
- María Rosa Olivera-Williams
- Beatriz C. Peña
- Juan E. Poblete
- Eduardo Posada-Carbo
- Joanne Rappaport
- Diana C. Rodriguez Quevedo
- Veronica I. Schild
- Marcy E. Schwartz
- Valeria Stabile
- Linda S. Stevenson
- John Stolle-McAllister
- Millicent S. Thayer
- Vivianne Ventura Dias
- Steven S. Zahniser
- Katherine A. Zien
2023 Leadership Circle
$5,000 +
- Sylvia M. Keller and Billie R. DeWalt
- Milagros Pereyra-Rojas and Enrique Mu
- Roxana Yichoy
$3,000 - $4,999
- Aurora Santiago Ortiz
$1,000 - $2,999
- Nora E. Jaffary
- Gilbert M. Joseph
- Jonathon Reddig
- T.M. Scruggs
$500 - $999
- Javier Guerrero
- Judith M. Mansilla
- Jaclyn McCusker
- Lynn M. Stephen
$50 - $499
- Esther Allen
- Elena H. Álvarez
- William M. Atkins
- Ana Maria Bidegain
- Michelle L. Bigenho
- Krista M. Brune
- Camila Charry
- Norma S. Chinchilla
- Rudi J. Colloredo-Mansfeld
- Andrea Cote Botero
- Jose Guillermo De Los Reyes
- Robin Lauren H. Derby
- Paulo Drinot
- Laura J. Enriquez
- Kenneth Paul Erickson
- Linda C. Farthing
- Kathleen S. Fine-Dare
- Jonathan Fox
- Bertha J. García-Gallegos
- Antonio G. Gomes
- Laura Gotkowitz
- Paul A. Haslam
- Tina Hilgers
- Denise Humphreys Bebbington
- Brooke Larson
- Sharon F. Lean
- Horacio E. Legrás
- Richard M. Leventhal
- Blake Seana Locklin
- Ryan F. Long
- Concepción Martínez
- Shelley A. McConnell
- Xavier Medina Vidal
- Lucia Miranda Leibe
- Harper Montgomery
- Monica M. Moreno Figueroa
- David Mowbray
- Catalina Navas
- Liisa L. North
- María Rosa Olivera-Williams
- Leigh A. Payne
- Vanessa Perez-Rosario
- David Pion-Berlin
- Juan E. Poblete
- Aaron J. Pollack
- Eduardo Posada-Carbo
- Elaine P. Rocha
- Nancy J. Ross
- Montserrat Sagot
- Andrea Salgado
- Gabriela M. Soto Laveaga
- Silvia Spitta
- John Stolle-McAllister
- Gina M. Tarver
- Millicent S. Thayer
- Edwin Torres
- Miren Uriarte
- Carlos G. Vélez-Ibáñez
- Jurgen Weller
- Heather L. Williams
2022 Leadership Circle
$5,000 +
- Billie R. DeWalt and Sylvia M. Keller
- Enrique Mu
$3,000 - $4,999
- Charles R. Hale
- Kathryn de Luna
- Jennifer Johnson
$1,000 - $2,999
- Gilbert M. Joseph
- Debra H. Rodman
- Veronica I. Schild
$500 - $999
- Judith M. Mansilla
- Jo-Marie Burt
$50 - $499
- María de Fátima Barbosa Abdalla
- Elena H. Álvarez
- Arturo Arias
- Florence E. Babb
- Michelle L. Bigenho
- Joanna Boampong
- Catherine M. Boyle
- Ronald D. Briggs
- Gregory A. Cameron
- Beth Colón Pizzini
- Ralph S. Della Cava
- Graham Denyer Willis
- Laura J. Enriquez
- Kenneth Paul Erickson
- Marianna Fenzi
- Stephanie Fetta
- Hilary V. Finchum-Sung
- Bertha J. García-Gallegos
- Dara E. Goldman
- Laura Gotkowitz
- Javier Guerrero
- Susanna B. Hecht
- Tina Hilgers
- Denise Humphreys Bebbington
- Héctor Jaimes
- Cristóbal Kay
- Caroline Kronley
- Jose I. Lara
- Brooke C. Larson
- Horst Grebe Lopez
- Juan Pablo Lupi
- Natalia Majluf
- Concepción Martínez
- Alfredo Martinez-Exposito
- Scott G. McKinney
- Julia Menard-Warwick
- Tamara L. Mitchell
- Kristine Munoz
- Karoline Noack
- Liisa L. North
- María Rosa Olivera-Williams
- Mario M. Pecheny
- Aníbal S. Pérez-Liñán
- Joseph M. Pierce
- Juan E. Poblete
- Eduardo Posada-Carbo
- Alison E. Post
- Maria Nieves Rico
- Montserrat Sagot
- Paul A. Schroeder Rodríguez
- Marcy E. Schwartz
- Gabriela M. Soto Laveaga
- Lynn M. Stephen
- Maria Socorro Tabuenca Córdoba
- Rosario Undurraga
- Laura A. Valdiviezo
- Nuria Vilanova
- Jurgen Weller
- Heather L. Williams
- Steven S. Zahniser
- Martha I. Zapata Galindo
2021 Leadership Circle
$5,000 +
- Gilbert M. Joseph
- Billie R. DeWalt and Sylvia M. Keller
$3,000 - $4,999
- Christina A. Sue
$1,000 - $2,999
- Nora E. Jaffary
- Tamara L. Mitchell
- Aldo I. Panfichi Huamán
- Maxwell A. Cameron
- William M. LeoGrande
- Lynn M. Stephen
- Suyapa G. Portillo Villeda
- Florence E. Babb
- Ronald H. Chilcote
- Carmen Diana Deere
- Mneesha Gellman
- Taro Nagano
- Jonathon Reddig
- Marianne Schmink
- Lars Schoultz
- Peter H. Smith
$500 - $999
- Cynthia McClintock
$50 - $499
- Laura J. Enriquez
- Nancy J. Ross
- Norma S. Chinchilla
- Concepción Martínez
- Paul A. Schroeder Rodríguez
- Myrna Garcia-Calderon
- Corinne Valdivia
- Nancy G. Postero
- Catherine M. Boyle
- Denise Humphreys Bebbington
- Elizabeth Barrios
- David Pion-Berlin
- Dara E. Goldman
- Kathleen S. Fine-Dare
- Eduardo Posada-Carbo
- María Rosa Olivera-Williams
- Cornelia B. Flora
- Horst Grebe Lopez
- Veronica I. Schild
- Vivianne V. Ventura Dias
- Isabel Dulfano
- Jean E. Jackson
- Juan Pablo Lupi
- Carlos Monge
- Maria Socorro Tabuenca Córdoba
- Violeta Lorenzo Feliciano
- Erynn Masi de Casanova
- Shigeko Mato
- Millicent S. Thayer
- Heather L. Williams
- Steven S. Zahniser
- Marcy E. Schwartz
- Teresa Valdés
- Elena H. Álvarez
- Edward Blumenthal
- Krista M. Brune
- Christopher McQuilkin
- Natalia Sobrevilla Perea
- John Dinges
- Adela Amaral
- Maria Josefina Saldaña-Portillo
- Lacie Rae B. Cunningham
- Elisabeth Jay Friedman
- Eric Gosselin
- Tina Hilgers
- Francisco Eduardo Pucci Garmendia
- Israel Reyes
- Gabriela M. Soto Laveaga
- Karen Kampwirth
- Shelley A. McConnell
- Tara Patricia Cookson
- Julie A. Skurski
- Ralph S. Della Cava
- Héctor Domínguez-Ruvalcaba
- Claudia Sandberg
- Hannah Alpert-Abrams
- Stephen M. Buttes
- Cecile Chong
- Noe Cornago
- Joel E. Correia
- Paul F. Fallon
- Laura Gotkowitz
- Martín Mendoza Botelho
- Montserrat Sagot
- Miren Uriarte
2020 Leadership Circle
$5,000 +
$3,000 - $4,999
- Sarah A. Schoellkopf
$1,000 - $2,999
- Edna Acosta-Belén
- Tamara L. Mitchell
- Liisa L. North
$500 - $999
- Cynthia McClintock
- Jadwiga E. Pieper Mooney
$50 - $499
- Hannah Alpert-Abrams
- Natasha Alpízar Lobo
- Elena H. Álvarez
- Sonia E. Álvarez
- Silvia Álvarez Curbelo
- Alberto Arenas
- Arturo Arias
- Alejandra Armesto
- Maria F. Barcelo-Miller
- Catherine E. Bartch
- Diana S. Benalcazar
- Michelle L. Bigenho
- Edward Blumenthal
- Rachel E. Bowen
- Catherine M. Boyle
- Ashley Brock
- Irene Casique Rodríguez
- Rosario Concha
- Jorge F. Coronado
- Angelina Cotler
- Carmen D. Deere
- Ralph Della Cava
- Paloma M. Diaz
- Héctor Domínguez-Ruvalcaba
- Laura J. Enriquez
- Amal Eqeiq
- June C. Erlick
- Stephanie Fetta
- Tamara Figueroa Diaz
- Kathleen S. Fine-Dare
- Cornelia B. Flora
- Jonathan A. Fox
- Zephyr L. Frank
- Rachel Garst
- Cristóbal Garza González
- Sebastián Gil-Riaño
- Matthew Gildner
- Mary Elizabeth Ginway
- Dara E. Goldman
- Juan Carlos González Espitia
- Adan Griego
- Laura G. Gutiérrez
- Kevin J. Healy
- Christopher Heaney
- Susanna B. Hecht
- Tina Hilgers
- Lasse Hölck
- James Howe
- Denise Humphreys Bebbington
- Joanna M. Innes
- Gwen Kirkpatrick
- Roger A. Kittleson
- Julie Klinger
- Anne M. Lambright
- Blake Seana Locklin
- Susan Lord
- Violeta Lorenzo Feliciano
- Jacqueline Loss
- Juan Pablo Lupi
- Raul L. Madrid
- Rafael Martínez
- Concepción Martínez-Maske
- Shigeko Mato
- Lindsay R. Mayka
- Sarli E. Mercado
- E. Mark Moreno
- Taro Nagano
- Elizabeth A. Oglesby
- María Rosa Olivera-Williams
- Tom Perreault
- Juan E. Poblete
- Eduardo Posada-Carbo
- David Post
- Nancy G. Postero
- Maria I. Puerta-Riera
- Malayna A. Raftopoulos
- Sebastian Ramirez
- Megan Rivers-Moore
- Catalina Romero
- Carlos A. Romero Méndez
- Montserrat Sagot
- Paula F. Saravia
- Veronica I. Schild
- Marcy E. Schwartz
- T M Scruggs
- Linda J. Seligmann
- Rachel Sieder
- Gabriela M. Soto Laveaga
- Silvia Spitta
- Fernanda Sposito
- Margaret E. Stanton
- John Stolle-McAllister
- Karen A. Stolley
- Millicent S. Thayer
- Niamh R. Thornton
- Gabriel John Tobon Quintero
- Maria de los Angeles Torres
- Joseph A. Torres González
- Brian Turner
- Emilia Velázquez
- Miguel Ángel M. Vite Pérez
- Peter Wade
- Johannes M. Waldmueller
- Tamara J. Walker
- Barbara S. Weinstein
- McCoy Weymouth
- Heather L. Williams
2019 Leadership Circle
$5,000 +
$3,000 - $4,999
- Charles R. Hale
- Lynn M. Stephen
$1,000 - $2,999
- Judit Ester Bokser Liwerant
- Anne Eller
- Jan L. Flora
- Raul L. Madrid
- Tamara L. Mitchell
- Liisa L. North
- Patricia Viera Duarte
$500 - $999
- Katherine Hite
- Evelyne S. Huber
- John D. Stephens
$50 - $499
- Crislayne Alfagali
- Elena H. Álvarez
- Sonia E. Álvarez
- Nancy P. Appelbaum
- Arturo Arias
- Jossianna Arroyo-Martínez
- Elizabeth Barrios
- Sarah Barrow
- Emilie L. Bergmann
- Michelle L. Bigenho
- Denise F. Blum
- Rachel E. Bowen
- Catherine M. Boyle
- Felix A. Burgos
- Jo-Marie Burt
- Stephen M. Buttes
- Ernesto Castaneda-Tinoco
- Gladys Isabel Clemente Batalla
- Rudi J. Colloredo-Mansfeld
- Eduardo Dargent Bocanegra
- Paloma M. Diaz
- Héctor Domínguez-Ruvalcaba
- Marcela Echeverri
- Laura J. Enriquez
- Linda C. Farthing
- Carmen A. Ferradas
- Carolyn Fornoff
- William W. Goldsmith
- Horst Grebe Lopez
- Merilee S. Grindle
- Encarnacion Gutierrez-Rodriguez
- Regina L. Harrison
- Tina Hilgers
- Elizabeth R. Horan
- Denise Humphreys Bebbington
- Christine Hunefeldt
- Marjorie E. Laine
- Brooke C. Larson
- Sharon F. Lean
- Horacio E. Legrás
- Kathryn Lehman
- Renato Lima-de-Oliveira
- Lillian Manzor
- Rafael Martínez
- Concepción Martínez-Maske
- Cynthia McClintock
- Angus McNelly
- Stephanie L. McNulty
- Julia M. Medina
- Jorell A. Meléndez-Badillo
- Carlos Monge
- Harper Montgomery
- María Rosa Olivera-Williams
- Aníbal S. Pérez-Liñán
- Tom Perreault
- Juan E. Poblete
- Eduardo Posada-Carbo
- Nancy G. Postero
- Timothy J. Power
- Nancy J. Ross
- Maria Josefina Saldaña-Portillo
- Paula F. Saravia
- Marcy E. Schwartz
- Rachel Sieder
- Natalia Sobrevilla Perea
- Linda S. Stevenson
- John Stolle-McAllister
- Millicent S. Thayer
- Heidi Tinsman
- Corinne Valdivia
- Nuria Vilanova
- Steven S. Zahniser
Life Members
Edna Acosta-Belen
University at Albany/State University of New York
Life member since 1994
Richard Adams †
Patzisotz History Company
Life member since 1998
Rolena Adorno
Yale University
Life member since 1995
Graciela Ampuero Manrique
Independent Researcher
Life member since 2017
Leslie Anderson
University of Florida
Life member since 2006
Arturo Arias
University of California, Merced
Life member since 2004
Silvia Arrom
Brandeis University
Life member since 2015
Florence Babb
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Life member since 2006
Helga Baitenmann
Institute for the Study of the Americas
Life member since 2014
Anthony Bebbington
Clark University
Life member since 2008
Melissa Birch
University of Kansas
Life member since 2003
Cole Blasier†
University of Pittsburgh
Life member since 1994
Judit Ester Bokser Liwerant
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Life member since 2019
Alex Borucki
University of California/Irvine
Life member since 2020
Jo-Marie Burt
George Mason University
Life member since 2022
Alina Camacho-Gingerich
St. John's University
Life member since 2016
Maxwell Cameron
University of British Columbia
Life member since 2018
Elaine Carey
St. John's University
Life member since 2013
Debra Castillo
Cornell University
Life member since 2015
Ronald Chilcote
University of California/Riverside
Life member since 1994
Jack Child †
American University
Life member since 1994
Norma Chinchilla
California State University/Long Beach
Life member since 2005
Erik Ching
Furman University
Life member since 2014
Peter Cleaves
DRG International, Inc.
Life member since 1998
John Coatsworth
Columbia University
Life member since 1994
Michael Conroy
Colibrí Consulting -- Certification for Sustainable Development
Life member since 1995
Sara Cooper
California State University/Chico
Life member since 2014
Wayne Cornelius
University of California/San Diego
Life member since 1995
Juve Cortés
Occidental College
Life member since 2019
Angelina Cotler
Latin American Studies Association
Life member since 2017
Julio Cotler †
Researcher, Instituto de Estudios Peruanos
Life member since 2012
Alejandro De La Fuente
Harvard University
Life member since 2019
Jose Guillermo De Los Reyes
University of Houston
Life member since 2000
Carmen Diana Deere
University of Florida
Life member since 1994
Billie DeWalt
Arts Consulting Group
Life member since 1994
Laura V. Dierksmeier
Universität Tübingen
Life member since 2024
Jorge Domínguez
Harvard University
Life member since 1994
Paul Doughty
University of Florida
Life member since 1994
Paul Drake
University of California/San Diego
Life member since 1998
John Dumoulin
University of Florida
Life member since 2007
Todd Eisenstadt
American University
Life member since 2013
Anne Eller
Yale University
Life member since 2019
Arturo Escobar
University of North Carolina
Life member since 2005
Rosario Espinal
Temple University
Life member since 2006
Richard Fagen
Life member since 1994
Tulia Falleti
University of Pennsylvania
Life member since 2014
Cornelia Butler Flora
Iowa State University, Kansas State University
Life member since 1994
Jan Flora
Kansas State University
Life member since 2015
Jean Franco
Columbia University
Life member since 2000
Virginia Garrard
University of Texas/Austin
Life member since 2019
Manuel Antonio Garretón
Universidad de Chile
Life member since 2015
Mneesha Gellman
Emerson College
Life member since 2015
Federico Gil †
Life member since 1998
Dara Goldman
Univ of Illinois/ Urbana-Champaign
Life member since 2014
Bruce Goldstein
University of North Carolina/Charlotte
Life member since 1995
Mary Ann Gosser Esquilín
Florida Atlantic University
Life member since 2005
Merilee Grindle
Harvard University
Life member since 1995
Nicole Guidotti-Hernández
University of Texas at Austin
Life member since 2016
Charles Hale
University of Texas/Austin
Life member since 2005
Tulio Halperin-Donghi †
University of California/Berkeley
Life member since 2014
Nora Hamilton
University of Southern California
Life member since 1994
Albert Hirschman †
Life member since 1993
Katherine Hite
Vassar College
Life member since 2015
Tom Holloway
University of California/Davis
Life member since 2001
Jennifer Holmes
University of Texas/Dallas
Life member since 2019
Evelyne Huber
University of North Carolina
Life member since 1994
Nora Jaffary
Concordia University
Life member since 2021
Ivan Jaksic
Stanford University
Life member since 1995
Jennifer Johnson
Kenyon College
Life member since 2022
John Johnson
Life member since 1993
Gilbert Joseph
Yale University
Life member since 2015
Terry Karl
Stanford University
Life member since 2010
Robin King
Georgetown University
Life member since 1995
Leonard Kurz
Forest Creatures Entertainment
Life member since 1998
Brett Kyle
University of Nebraska Omaha
Life member since 2021
Erick Langer
Georgetown University
Life member since 2009
William LeoGrande
American University
Life member since 1994
Linda Lewin
University of California/Berkeley
Life member since 2007
Miguel León-Portilla †
Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas
Life member since 2006
Renato Lima-de-Oliveira
Asia School of Business
Life member since 2018
Brian Loveman
San Diego State University
Life member since 2009
Christopher Lutz
Plumsock Mesoamerican Studies
Life member since 1994
Raul Madrid
University of Texas/Austin
Life member since 2018
Scott Mainwaring
University of Notre Dame
Life member since 2001
Bruce Mannheim
University of Michigan
Life member since 2019
Judith Mansilla
Florida International University
Life member since 2021
Pilar Maynez
Facultad de Estudios Superiores Acatlán, Universidad Autónoma de México
Life member since 2019
Cynthia McClintock
George Washington University
Life member since 1994
Gilbert Merkx
Duke University
Life member since 2001
Kevin Middlebrook
University College London
Life member since 2007
Christopher Mitchell
New York University
Life member since 1994
Tamara L. Mitchell
University of British Columbia
Life member since 2019
Tommie Sue Montgomery-Abrahams
Visual Aids for Latin American Studies
Life member since 1995
Aaron Coy Moulton
Stephen F. Austin State University
Life member since 2017
Enrique Mu
Carlow University
Life member since 2015
Patricia Murrieta Cummings
Universidad de Guadalajara
Life member since 2015
June Nash †
City University of New York
Life member since 2005
Marysa Navarro Aranguren †
Dartmouth College, DRCLAS - Harvard University
Life member since 1993
Rex Nobles
Rutgers University
Life member since 2023
Guillermo O'Donnell †
University of Notre Dame
Life member since 2003
Rachel O'Toole
University of California/Irvine
Life member since 2015
David Scott Palmer †
Boston University
Life member since 1994
Aldo Panfichi Huamán
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú
Life member since 2017
Manuel Pastor Jr.
University of Southern California
Life member since 2006
Milagros Pereyra-Rojas
University of Pittsburgh
Life member since 2011
Justin Perez
University of California, Santa Cruz
Life member since 2020
Aníbal Pérez-Liñán
University of Notre Dame
Life member since 2004
John Petersen
Life member since 2020
Jadwiga Pieper Mooney
University of Arizona
Life member since 2014
Suyapa Portillo Villeda
Pitzer College
Life member since 2021
Timothy Power
University of Oxford
Life member since 2015
Monica Rankin
University of Texas/Dallas
Life member since 2013
Joanne Rappaport
Georgetown University
Life member since 2015
Mark Ratkus †
La Salle University
Life member since 2009
Reid Reading †
University of Pittsburgh
Life member since 1995
Paul John Rich
Policy Studies Organization
Life member since 1997
Kenneth Roberts
Cornell University
Life member since 2010
Helen Safa †
University of Florida
Life member since 1994
Marianne Schmink
University of Florida
Life member since 2006
Lars Schoultz
University of North Carolina
Life member since 1994
T M Scruggs
Life member since 2007
Timothy Scully
University of Notre Dame
Life member since 2010
Kathryn Sikkink
Harvard University
Life member since 2010
Eduardo Silva
Tulane University
Life member since 2008
Thomas Skidmore †
Brown University
Life member since 1994
Peter Smith
University of California/San Diego
Life member since 2013
Russell Smith
Washburn University
Life member since 2021
Carl Sofie
American Public University System
Life member since 2005
Doris Sommer
Harvard University
Life member since 1994
Guacayarima Sosa Machado
Global Foundation for Democracy and Development
Life member since 2012
Gabriela Soto Laveaga
University of California/Santa Barbara
Life member since 2008
Rodolfo Stavenhagen †
El Colegio de Mexico
Life member since 2016
Alfred Stepan †
Columbia University
Life member since 2009
Lynn Stephen
University of Oregon
Life member since 2014
John Stephens
University of North Carolina/Chapel Hill
Life member since 2010
Osvaldo Sunkel
Life member since 1994
Maria Hermínia Tavares de Almeida
CEBRAP/University of Sao Paulo
Life member since 2011
Strom Thacker
Boston University
Life member since 2015
Gwynn Thomas
University at Buffalo
Life member since 2015
Lorrin Thomas
Rutgers University
Life member since 2015
Sinclair Thomson
New York University
Life member since 2015
Edelberto Torres-Rivas †
Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo
Life member since 2010
Alain Touraine
School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences
Life member since 1997
Brian Turner
Randolph Macon College
Life member since 2009
Victor Urquidi †
El Colegio de México
Life member since 1993
George Vickers †
Open Society Foundations
Life member since 2003
Patricia Viera Duarte
Universidad de la República(UdelaR)
Life member since 2019
Peter Ward
University of Texas/Austin
Life member since 2004
Philip Williams
University of Florida
Life member since 2005
Tamar Diana Wilson de García
University of Missouri/St. Louis
Life member since 1996
John Wirth †
Stanford University
Life member since 1994
Gina Yannitell Reinhardt
University of Essex
Life member since 2008
Roxana Yichoy
Life member since 2023
Kevin Young
Rutgers University
Life member since 2015
† Deceased
- Aero Peru
- American Express Travel Related Services Company, Inc
- Bank of America, Caracas
- Boston Public Library
- The Canadian Association for Latin American Studies
- CIESAS, Mexico
- CLASP, Consortium of Latin American Studies Program
- Compañía de Turismo, Puerto Rico
- Dole Fresh Fruit, Inc.
- Esso Caribbean Central America
- Exxon International, Inc
- Hispanic Foundation of the Library of Congress
- A la Montreal
- The Latin American Program of the Woodrow Wilson Center for Scholars
- Lynne Rienner Publishers
- Meet Puerto Rico
- Rights and Democracy
- Smithsonian Latino Center
- Southern Electric International of Atlanta, Georgia
- Star Alliance
- Tequila Sauza, S.A.
- Tourism Toronto
- Varig Airlines
- Washington Office on Latin America