
Advertising in the LASA2021 program offers an excellent opportunity to reach all of the 4,500 Congress attendees. The printed program book will be available for purchase online. 

Virtual Advertising

Banner ads on LASA website and mobile app $1,695 

  • Publishers, institutions, universities, film promotions, and academic programs can now purchase space on the LASA website and mobile app.
  • These banner ads can be purchased as early as September 1, 2020, through May 31, 2021, and will run throughout the year.
  • This is an incredible offer with 9 months of advertising exposure.
  • Purchase up to five banners to appear more frequently.
  • Size specifications will be sent to you.
  • Advertisements can link to your website.

Email Blast 


  • Reach all registered 2021 Congress participants via a mass email dedicated exclusively to your organization.
  • One direct email will be sent by LASA to all registered attendees during the Congress week.

Congress Program

Full page: $1,050

Half page: $660


  • Full page: 7.5 inches (wide) x 10.5 inches (high).
  • Half page: 7.5 inches (wide) x 4.75 inches (high).
  • Bleed pages and color are not acceptable. All Ads will be in black and white.
  • All Ads will also be included in a combined PDF document in the app.
  • Ads must be submitted in electronic form only.


  • All sponsorship and advertising materials for the Congress print program are due by March 8, 2021.
  • All sponsorship and advertising materials for the virtual Congress website and mobile app are due by April 15, 2021.

All ads should be submitted in Adobe Acrobat PDF format and e-mailed to

The LASA2021 Congress Exhibit Hall is being managed by MaestroMeetings.