Instructions for Paper Presenters

Electronic submission of papers

Uploaded conference papers will be available here until the end of the Congress. Then, they will be moved to Past Congresses Papers. Access will be available to active LASA members only.

Specifications for papers in electronic format

All the papers of the Congress must:

  • Be written single space and with a suggested length of 20 to 25 pages.
  • Uploaded in PDF format.
  • Include the title, author's name, affiliation, and the following caption on the front page: Prepared for delivery at the 2021 Virtual Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, May 26–29, 2021.
  • All grantees must upload a final copy of their paper in PDF format on or before April 15, 2021.

On behalf of your colleagues: Thank you very much!

The area of Latin American Studies is thriving and flourishing thanks to the efforts of notable scholars and other specialists. Preserve this vitality, playing your role well to ensure that LASA2021 is an intellectually fascinating event. Be responsible with the panelists of your session, making sure they have access to your paper before the Congress. Thank you for sharing your conclusions and analysis with all your colleagues!