
I am a member of LASA with an accepted proposal, do I have to register for the Congress?

Yes. LASA membership and Congress registration are two different services. Congress registration includes entrance to the sessions, Book Exhibit, Film Festival as well as to the social events like the Welcome Ceremony and the Gran Baile. Member benefits can be found at the following link:

Membership Benefits

Do I have to pre-register if I am not going to present a paper?

All attendees with no active role in the Congress must register for LASA2022. 

All active participants at LASA2022 (paper presenters, presenters without paper, chairs, discussants, organizers) must pre-register by Friday, March 11th, 2022 at 17:00 hours EDT. Otherwise, their names may not appear in the Program Book. 

Acceptance as an official LASA2022 participant does not confer automatic LASA2022 registration. Panels may be modified due to insufficient pre-registered participants.

I would like to pay my pre-registration fee. How can I do so?

Preregistration for the LASA2022 Congress is available in the following link: 


Registration Costs

What will my Congress registration fee cover?

Each Congress registration fee covers:

  • Admittance to all sessions 
  • Admittance to the Book Exhibit
  • Admittance to the Welcome Ceremony
  • Admittance to the Film Festival
  • Admittance to the Gran Baile
  • Online Conference Proceedings

In order to protect the environment, the Program Book will only be available online and in our exclusive LASA mobile application. A printed version can be bought at an additional cost.