LARR-University of Florida Article Award

About the Award

The LARR-University of Florida Article Award is presented at each LASA International Congress to the best research article published by the Latin American Research Review (LARR) during the past calendar year (i.e., in the volume of the journal preceding the year of the Congress).

The award covers articles published by LARR in all disciplines and in any language. The winners are expected to be present at the LASA Congress to receive the award in person and participate in a special panel. The winners may also be invited to present their research at the University of Florida.

Call for nominations

Nominations from LARR readers and self-nominations from authors are encouraged (book and documentary film reviews are not eligible.) Nominators must be LASA members.

To nominate an article, complete this nomination form, by December 31, 2021, providing: the title of the article, the LARR issue, the link to the article page in LARR, a brief paragraph indicating the contribution of this paper to the field of Latin American Studies, and the name and e-mail address of the nominator.

Members of the 2022 Selection Committee:

Joel Stillerman (Chair)
Grand Valley State University

Juan Carlos Callirgos
Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú

Lillian Guerra
University of Florida

Award history

2022 - LARR-University of Florida Article Award

Volume 56 (1)

AWARDEE: Vanesa Miseres, Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies of Spanish, University of Notre Dame

2021 - LARR-University of Florida Article Award

Volume 55 (2)

AWARDEE: Joseph M. Pierce, Assistant Professor of Hispanic Languages and Literature, Stony Brook University

2020 - LARR-Pitt Best Article Award

Volume 54 (1)

AWARDEE: Albert Sergio Laguna, Assistant Professor of Ethnicity, Race and Migration, Yale University

2019 - LARR-Pitt Best Article Award

Volume 53 (2)

AWARDEE: Eli Carter, Assistant Professor of Portuguese, University of Virginia