Travel Grant Requirements

Travel grants are void

LASA Travel Grants provide travel support for participants travelling to the Congress. Therefore, because the LASA2022 Congress will be virtual, travel grants are void.

Nevertheless, LASA will continue to cover the 100% of the registration of those who applied for a travel grant for the LASA2022 Congress and are accepted in the program after fulfilling all the requirements in their application.

Participants who benefit from a grant in the LASA2022 Virtual Congress may reapply for another grant for the next Congress LASA2023. 

  • LASA Travel Grants provide support for participants traveling to the Congress city. Therefore, only LASA2022 participants in-person, in San Francisco, USA, are eligible to receive the discretionary travel grant of $500 as well as the Congress registration. Accepted grantees who participate virtually will receive the Congress registration, which will also be granted automatically upon acceptance of the conditions detailed in the acceptance letter, but are not eligible to receive the discretionary travel grant. 

  • Participants who received a travel grant for the in-person Congresses, LASA2018 in Barcelona or LASA2019 in Boston, do not qualify for funding for 2022. This includes candidates whose assigned grant was not used because they did not attend the Congress and did not cancel their participation, or because they canceled at the last moment eliminating the opportunity for another participant to receive the grant.

  • Participants whose travel grant for LASA2020 was revoked after the transformation to a Virtual Congress, or who benefited from LASA's decision to cover 100% of the LASA2021 Virtual Congress registration fee may reapply for another grant for the next Congress LASA2022

  • Only paper authors are eligible for travel grants. Discussants, chairs, workshop, or roundtable participants without papers are not eligible. Co-authors must each submit a travel grant application.

  • Failure to accurately fill out every blank on the form or submit a CV with the travel grant will invalidate the travel grant application (US Non-Tenured need to submit an additional letter from their department stating they are full time and in a non-tenured track).

  • Applying for a grant type that you are not eligible for will invalidate the travel grant application.

If your grant application is accepted:

  • You will receive an email containing a contract via DocuSign. You must accept and digitally sign the contract by January 14, 2022. If you do not accept and digitally sign the contract by the deadline, your travel grant will be revoked.

  • Please make sure you are registered for the Congress by the pre-registration deadline March 11, 2022.

  • You must upload your paper using the Paper Management application by April 15, 2022. If you fail to upload your paper by the deadline your travel grant will be revoked.

  • You must attend the Congress in person or virtually. Failure to attend the Congress will result in a forfeiture of your grant.

  • Should the in-person format of the LASA2022 Congress in San Francisco, USA be cancelled, travel grants will be void. LASA is not responsible for the expenses incurred in your travel plans such as plane tickets or accommodation.