Frequently Asked Questions

I would like to present a proposal, what are the types of proposals?

You can submit an individual proposal or an organized session (panel, workshop, or roundtable).

What are the different types of sessions?

Panel: A panel proposal is a group of individuals who want to submit all of their paper proposals together for consideration by the track chair as a pre-arranged session. Panel proposals must have a minimum of three and a maximum of five papers presenters. During the panels, the papers presentations should be summarized to provide the opportunity for discussion and participation of the public.

Workshop: A workshop proposal is a group of individuals who want to hold a workspace (without papers) and submit it for consideration by the chair as a pre-arranged session. Workshop proposals must have a minimum of three presenters (without paper) and there is no maximum. Workshops provide an opportunity for the exchange of information and ideas among several individuals. They are organized to address a theme, the discussion is informal and does not include formal paper presentations. A workshop participant is not considered a paper presenter since these sessions do not have formal paper presentations. Workshop participation does count as an active role.

Roundtable: A roundtable includes a space for groups or research teams already formed or formed ad hoc, to debate and present their progress or results on research or on topics of concern. Roundtable proposals must have a minimum of three presenters (without paper) and there is no maximum. A roundtable participant is not considered a paper presenter since these sessions do not have formal paper presentations. Roundtable participation does count as an active role.

Which is the difference between an individual and a panel proposal?

Individual proposals are evaluated by the chair of each track, and if they are accepted, the chair combines them with other similar ones to create a panel. Therefore, it is better if you find colleagues who would like to present papers with the same topic as yours and build a panel. Otherwise, the track chairs will decide how to group together the different individual proposals based on similar themes.

On the other hand, a panel proposal is previously organized by a group of individuals who want to submit all of their paper proposals together for consideration by the track chair as a pre-arranged session. Panel proposals must have a minimum of three and a maximum of five papers presenters.

I would like to propose a panel. Where can I find information on other LASA members looking to be part of a panel?

We would like to encourage authors of individual papers to apply to LASA2024 by forming panels with similar themes or joining panels looking for more papers.

To help authors find out about other authors looking for a panel, we have created a page as a service to our members called Paper Match, which allows members to provide information for others to get in contact with them. Paper Match has a listing of all those individuals interested in joining a panel.

Paper Match

When can I begin to submit proposals for LASA2024?

The date to begin submitting LASA2024 proposals is July 21, 2023. The deadline to submit proposals is September 15, 2023, at 17:00 hours, ET. Additional important dates can be found at the following link.


Do I need to be a LASA member in order to submit a proposal?

Yes. To submit a proposal, or be included in a session proposal (panel, workshop, or roundtable) your LASA membership or All Access, which includes the LASA membership, must be valid through September 15, 2023. Therefore, if someone is not appearing in the proposal system, it is because his/her membership or All Access expires on or before September 15, 2023.

Please ask him/her to join or renew his/her LASA membership or All Access using the following link.

LASA membership or All Access

The deadline to renew or obtain the LASA membership or All Access to submit proposals is also September 15, 2023.

Section sessions participants must also be members of the Section.

Can I present two papers in different sessions of the Congress? Why can't panel participants also apply for individual paper proposals?

LASA does not allow a participant to submit more than one paper per Congress. Co-authoring a paper counts towards the one paper limit. This is done to ensure that as many people as possible have the opportunity to present their papers. In addition, due to the size of the Congress, we must limit the number of proposal submissions and participants.

I would like to present my paper in a Section session. What should I do?

The Section sessions proposals must be entered into the system by the Section chairs or co-chair only. Please contact the chair of the Section directly. The contact information of the Section chairs can be found at the following link.

 LASA Sections

Can my proposal be specified to more than one program track? What if the chair of a different program track is interested in my topic?

The proposal submission system allows you to specify only one program track for your paper. Please choose where you think your work best fits. If for some reason your proposal does not fit within the first track you selected, the track chair will send your proposal to the track chair that he/she considers best.

Can paper proposals be submitted in languages other than English?

Yes. Proposals can be submitted and presented in English, Spanish, French, or Portuguese.

What are the criteria for selecting individual papers, panels, workshops, and roundtable proposals?

  • Session or paper proposal is significant for the field and has an appeal for scholars in related fields.
  • Session or paper proposal is clearly and coherently presented.
  • Meet the guidelines for participation.
  • For session proposals, the diversity of the participants is evaluated, including place of residence, institution, and level of education.
  • Proposals addressing the LASA2024 Congress theme: Reacción y resistencia: Imaginar futuros posibles en las Américas are encouraged.

What changes am I allowed to make to my proposal after it has been submitted?

Once you have submitted your proposal you will be able to review it and, if necessary, edit it before the deadline of September 15, 2023. After this deadline, only the following changes are allowed:

  • Updates to contact information.
  • Slight changes to the title of paper or session.

When should I expect a response regarding the acceptance/rejection of my proposal?

Notifications of acceptance and rejection are scheduled to be sent to all proposers by November 16, 2023. Additional important dates can be found at the following link.