General Information

Hybrid Congress Questions

How will the LASA2025 hybrid Congress be?

The hybrid component will allow people to attend and participate in person in San Francisco, United States, or remotely via the Internet. The Book Exhibit will also be a hybrid. 

I will participate in LASA2025 virtually. Which video platform should I use to access the LASA sessions virtually?

All the LASA2025 virtual sessions will happen in the video conferencing system Zoom.

We recommend that you download the latest version of this platform in advance of your presentation and use the Zoom desktop client to participate. However, if you prefer to use the web version, please use the Google Chrome browser for the best experience. For detailed instructions on how to use the Zoom video conferencing platform, click here.

Who will be available to help me if something unexpected happens during my on-site or virtual presentation?

LASA2025 sessions will have a designated LASA host who will be on-site in the meeting room and will be responsible for starting the session promptly, both in virtual mode for those participating or attending virtually, as well as those participating or attending on-site. At the beginning of each session, the LASA host will welcome the panelists and other virtual and in-person participants and then hand the microphone to the session chair. If the chair is not present, the role of co-host may be assigned to the organizer. The LASA host will be available to assist both in-person and virtual participants to ensure that the session runs smoothly. In addition, remote participants can use the HELP desk at the LASA2025 Congress Hub. 

At the end of the 90 minute session, the co-host along with the LASA host will conclude the session and open the next one.

Who will be in charge of coordinating the Q&A during my session?

The chair, whether in-person or virtual, is responsible for ensuring that all the presenters and the discussant adhere to the agreed time limits, and for coordinating the question-and-answer session with the audience after session members have completed their presentations. To do so, the chair will be promoted to co-host at the beginning of each session.

It is suggested that the chair let the panelists and attendees know at the beginning of the session when there will be space for comments or questions. As co-hosts of the session, and to moderate the Q&A, chairs may mute or unmute attendees to allow attendees to talk. Both chairs and active participants can manage the raise hand feature, view all Q&A, and respond.

If the chair of the session assumes the role of co-host, the discussant’s and organizer’s tasks remain the same.

At the end of the session, the co-host along with the LASA host will conclude the session and open the next one.

How can I ensure the best audio experience for the in-person and virtual audience during my presentation?

If you are participating in person, you will need to use the LASA computer and microphone available in the meeting room to ensure that both virtual and in-person participants and attendees can see and hear your presentation. Those present on-site will be able to see and hear your presentation through the screen and speakers in the room, while those connected virtually will be able to see and hear your presentation through the Zoom session. If you are participating virtually, we recommend that you use headphones with built-in microphones rather than speakers and microphones built into your computer. Headphones with built-in microphones will pick up your voice better, reduce background noise, and minimize echo. It is also recommended that you test your video before your session.

General Questions

When and where will the Congress be held?

The XLIII International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association will be hybrid: on-site in San Francisco, United States, and virtual, May 23–26, 2025

The main Congress venue for people who would like to attend LASA2025 in person is the San Francisco Marriott Marquis.

Main Venue

What is the LASA2025 Congress website?

The LASA2025 website is under construction. This website will be in Spanish and English.

What is the time zone of the LASA2025 Congress?

All sessions and events of the Congress will be conducted following the local time in San Francisco, California (PT).

I am already registered for LASA2025. How can I confirm my registration?

If you would like to make sure you are registered for the LASA2025 Congress, look for your name in the list of registered participants


What time do the first sessions of the LASA2025 Congress start?

The first sessions of the Congress will start on Friday, May 23 at 8:30 am San Francisco time (PT). There will be a 15-minute break between each session.

When and where are the LASA2025 pre-conferences? 

Pre-conferences will be held on Thursday, May 22 at the San Francisco Marriott Marquis, the main site of the Congress.

Main Venue

Are there any sessions open to the public?

Yes. The Welcome Ceremony, the Presidential Sessions, and the LASA2025 Award sessions will be broadcast live on LASA's YouTube page. You don't need to be registered for the Congress to watch these sessions online.

The Virtual Book Exhibit is also open to the public. 

Those attending or participating in person at the Congress must be registered and accredited to enter the meeting rooms for these sessions.

When and where will the Welcome Ceremony be held?

The Welcome Ceremony will be held at the Marriott Marquis Hotel in San Francisco, on Friday, May 23, at 7:00 p.m. Pacific Time. 

This will be the official event to launch LASA2025 and includes the recognition of the LASA2025 award winners. 

You are cordially invited to attend the Welcome Ceremony.  You don't need to be registered for the Congress to view the Welcome Ceremony broadcast on LASA's YouTube channel, but you do need to be registered to attend in person.

Does LASA2025 have a theme?

Yes, the theme is "Poner el cuerpo en Latinx América".

About LASA2025

What are the official languages of the Congress?

English, Spanish, French, and Portuguese are the official languages of LASA and its congresses.

What are the program tracks of the Congress?

The program tracks are the thematic areas in which the sessions of each Congress are grouped. You must select a program track to submit your proposal. 


I am interested in participating in the Congress. What participation options do I have?

Individuals can participate in the Congress with the following roles: paper presenter, presenter without a paper, chair, discussant, and organizer. The deadline to submit proposals and actively participate in the Congress is September 9, 2024

What is the cost of registering for the Hybrid Congress as an attendee and having access to all sessions of LASA2025?

All virtual and on-site attendees and participants must be registered for the Congress. Please visit the Registration Fees page.

Registration Fees

How many roles per person are allowed in the Congress?

A participant is limited to four active roles and one paper presentation per Congress.

The role of organizer does not count towards this limit of four roles. Therefore, one person can organize as many sessions as they would like. Organizers do not have to present papers in the sessions they organize.  They may also participate in another session as a chair, discussant, paper presenter, or presenter without paper.

What are LASA's recommendations to attend virtually the LASA2025 Congress?

  • Test you video and audio before your session.
  • If possible, use a wired ethernet connection rather than a WiFi connection.
  • Close any unnecessary applications or programs that your computer is running and you are not using.
  • Choose a quiet space. Be mindful of sounds in the background, and mute your cell phone to avoid interruptions.
  • If possible, put your laptop or desktop computer on a stack of books, so that the camera is at your eye level.
  • Due to backlighting, avoid having a window or lamp behind you. Be it natural or artificial the light should always come from the front. Lighting from the back will make it difficult for participants to see your face.

I have the role of discussant in a LASA2025 session. What are my tasks as a discussant?

The discussant, virtual or in person, should summarize key conclusions and identify issues for further discussion in the various papers presented by the session members. He or she might wish to situate the participants’ work within larger academic debates, but should not use the occasion to present a separate paper of her or his own.

I have the role of organizer in a LASA2025 session. What is the description of my role?

The organizer's tasks, virtual or in person, occur primarily before the Congress begins. The organizer was responsible for assembling the session and confirming everyone's participation, including the chair, the discussant, and the paper presenters or presenters without papers. The organizer should advise the LASA Secretariat promptly of any changes in the composition of the session.

The organizer should have communicated with session participants in advance of the Congress date to ensure that paper presenters delivered their written work to the designated discussant in a timely fashion.