Membership Categories

Individual Membership


Academics and researchers with an institutional affiliation. This category is divided into nine subcategories based on annual income.

Retired, Independent or Non-Affiliated, Contingent or Adjunct

This category includes retired academics from a university or research institution, academics and researchers with no institutional affiliation or independent, as well as contingent or adjunct intellectuals.  


Graduate and undergraduate students enrolled full-time in an academic program of an accredited institution of learning. Student members can benefit from this category for up to 7 years.


Members that pledge support to LASA and receive lifetime membership.

Individual Non-Membership

Friends of LASA

This category is a free non-member account that allows you to become a member of a LASA Section and increase the global exchange of knowledge and communication with experts on specific areas of Latin American Studies. The LASA Section fee (with some exceptions) is $12.00. 

Institutional Membership 

Center, Departments, and Institutes for Latin American Studies
Libraries and Archives
Research Institutions, NGOs, Associations