Frequently Asked Questions

Membership Questions

Which membership options for individuals does LASA offer?

You have two options to become a LASA member.

  1. Getting All Access, which includes all the benefits of the affiliation plus registration to the annual international Congress, or
  2. Acquiring the regular Membership, which does not include Congress registration. 
What is the All Access subscription?

It is the LASA's subscription that gives you all the benefits of membership, as well as registration to the Association's annual international Congress. This option is the cost-saving alternative since acquiring the membership and Congress registration jointly turns out in a total lower fee. 

All Access does not include Section membership fees nor LASA Continental Congresses registration.

How much does it cost to join LASA?

Please see our Membership Fees page.

What do I receive as a member?

Please visit the Membership Benefits page.

I just submitted an online application. How soon can I log on to LASA Members area?

New members will receive a welcome email as soon as their membership has been processed by LASA staff. This process usually takes a couple of hours. Your access to LASA Members area will begin as soon as you receive your welcome confirmation letter.

When will I get LARR?

Now published by Cambridge University Press, LARR has been open access and online-only since 2017. Back content is available on the LASA website to LASA members.

No subscription is needed to access new content. You can register as a user and make a submission here

Does LASA have a refund policy for membership?

Membership may be cancelled by contacting the LASA Membership Service by e-mail at However, memberships are non-refundable.

Why is my password not working?

Please double check that you are a current member. If so, make certain that your password is entered correctly. Note that in some fonts the capitalized "i" and the lower case "L" look identical.

I do not have a credit card. How can I pay my membership?

You can also pay via PayPal.

How long is my LASA membership?

Membership will be effective for 1 year from the date your payment is processed.

What is a LASA Section? What do I get if I join one?

Sections exist to promote the common interest of Association members in specific areas of Latin American studies. They provide an opportunity for groups of LASA members who share a common interest in a particular thematic or regional field to organize meetings and coordinate communications under Association auspices. Sections provide the membership with outlets for research and opportunities for scholarship. Sections help encourage the study of political science. They have become a vital part of the Association by sponsoring panels at the Annual Meeting, producing informative newsletters, and recognizing scholarly achievements of their members.

They are a means of increasing communication and interaction among persons of similar interests within the framework of the larger organization. They help to broaden involvement in LASA, to democratize leadership selection in LASA activities, and to make LASA more participatory and responsive to constituencies. Through active Section membership individuals may receive recognition for accomplishments in their specialty and also ensure that their interests in their sub-field are recognized in the program at LASA Congresses and in other activities of the Association.

The Manual on LASA Sections may be downloaded here.

How can I add sections to my current membership?

You may add sections to your current membership online by following these steps:

  1. Go to
  2. In the next drop-down menu, choose “Add sections to your existing Sections Subscriptions”
  3. Then click “continue to the customized form creation page.”
  4. Enter password, and then proceed with the online form and payment.
  5. If needing assistance, contact LASA secretariat at 412-648-7929 or