The Latin American Studies Association is pleased to announce the LASA2025 awardees, which will be publicly congratulated by the LASA President, Javier Guerrero, during the Welcome Ceremony of the Association's XLIII International Congress LASA2025 “Poner el cuerpo en Latinx América” May 23-26, 2025.
LASA/Oxfam America Martin Diskin Dissertation Award
Thiago dos Santos Molina
Universidade de São Paulo
Dissertation: Pedagogias Afrodiaspóricas: resistência, resiliência e reexistência negra na educação escolar pública
The Martin Diskin Dissertation Award is made possible through the generosity of Oxfam America, LASA, and LASA members. This award is offered at each LASA International Congress to an outstanding junior scholar who embodies Professor Diskin’s commitment to the creative combination of activism and scholarship.
LASA/Oxfam America Martin Diskin Memorial Lectureship
María Verónica Gago
Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas
Universidad Nacional de San Martín
The Memorial Lectureship award is given to an outstanding individual who embodies Professor Martin Diskin’s commitment to the combination of activism and scholarship. Dr. Martin Diskin was a vital member of the Latin American Studies Association and of Oxfam America. His passion towards the human rights movement and his guidance over grantmaking in Latin America proved to be invaluable.
Charles A. Hale Fellowship for Mexican History
Rodrigo Perujo de la Cruz
LAI-Freie Universität Berlin
Dissertation: Una ciudad en el tiempo. Imaginarios y aspiraciones del futuro en la Ciudad de México tras la Independencia (1820-1836)
Honorable Mention
Karen Abril Bata Illescas
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Dissertation: El proyecto de construcción de la danza mexicana como un espacio para la agencia femenina en la ciudad de México. Política, arte y sociedad, 1937-1953
This fellowship will reward excellence in historical research on Mexico at the dissertation level. It will be awarded at each LASA International Congress to a Mexican graduate student in the final phase of his or her doctoral research in Mexican history, broadly defined.
LASA Media Award
Nicolás Sepúlveda
The Clinic
The LASA Media Award is given every year to recognize long-term journalistic contributions to analysis and public debate about Latin America in the United States or Latin America, as well as for breakthrough journalism.
LARR-University of Florida Article Award
Denisa Jashari
Syracuse University
Article: The Chilean Christians for Socialism Movement: Liberationist, Third Worldist, and Utopian
Honorable Mention
Anne Garland Mahler
University of Virginia
Article: Against Latin American Regionalisms: The 1927 Brussels Congress and the Anti-Imperialist League of the Americas
The LARR-University of Florida Article Award is presented at each LASA International Congress to the best research article published by the Latin American Research Review (LARR) during the past calendar year. The award covers articles published by LARR in all disciplines and in any language.
About LASA
The Latin American Studies Association (LASA) is the largest professional association in the world for individuals and institutions engaged in the study of Latin America. With over 13,000 members, over 60% of whom reside outside the United States, LASA is the one association that brings together experts on Latin America from all disciplines and diverse occupational endeavors, across the globe. LASA's mission is to foster intellectual discussion, research, and teaching on Latin America, the Caribbean, and its people throughout the Americas, promote the interests of its diverse membership, and encourage civic engagement through network building and public debate.
If you wish to interview a LASA Executive Council member, you can contact the LASA communications office at (412) 648-7929 or send an email to