Vanderbilt University Press

Vanderbilt University Press extends the university's scholarly mission by publishing dynamic, well-researched books for a global audience of engaged readers. We publish books in the areas of Latin American and Hispanic studies, with editorial interests including most areas of humanities and social sciences. We seek intellectually provocative and socially significant works in these areas, as well as works that are interdisciplinary or that blend scholarly and practical concerns.

Until June 2, receive a 40% discount + free shipping on all Vanderbilt UP books with our 2022 LASA discount. Enter promo code 15LASA22 during checkout on our website. Please browse our latest books in Latin American Studies below.

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Critical Mexican Studies
Series editor: Ignacio Sánchez Prado

Series volumes available now

Forthcoming volumes

Performing Latin American and Caribbean Identities
Series editor: Kathryn Bishop-Sanchez

Series volumes available now

Forthcoming volumes

Speak with our Acquisitions Department

Email Zack Gresham, Acquisitions Editor, at with your questions and/or to set up a meeting time to chat about your book project after the conference.

To view our submission guidelines, visit our Submission Guidelines page.

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[Forthcoming] Transforming Saints
From Spain to New Spain
Autores: Charlene Villaseñor Black
Lengua: English
Edición: First
Página Web del Libro: Cique aquí

Borges and Kafka, Bolaño and Bloom
Latin American Authors and the Western Canon
Autores: Juan E. De Castro
Lengua: English
Edición: First
Página Web del Libro: Cique aquí

[Forthcoming] Unlawful Violence
Mexican Law and Cultural Production
Autores: Rebeccca Janzen
Lengua: English
Edición: First
Página Web del Libro: Cique aquí

[Forthcoming] Drug Cartels Do Not Exist
Narcotrafficking in the US and Mexican Culture
Autores: Oswaldo Zavala
Lengua: English
Edición: First
Página Web del Libro: Cique aquí

[Forthcoming] Creating Worlds Otherwise
Art, Collecctive Action, and (Post)Extractivism
Autores: Paula Serafini
Lengua: English
Edición: First
Página Web del Libro: Cique aquí

[Forthcoming] Trajectories of Empire
Transhispanic Reflections on the African Diaspora
Autores: Jerome C. Branche
Lengua: English
Edición: First
Página Web del Libro: Cique aquí

[Forthcoming] Flexible Families
Nicaraguan Transnational Familiese in Costa Rica
Autores: Caitlin Fouratt
Lengua: English
Edición: First
Página Web del Libro: Cique aquí

[Forthcoming] Journey without End
Migration from the Global South through hthe Americas
Autores: Andrew Nelson and Rob Curran
Lengua: English
Edición: First
Página Web del Libro: Cique aquí

[Forthcoming] The Mexican Transpacific
Nikkei Writing, Visual Arts, an Performance
Autores: Ignacio López-Calvo
Lengua: English
Edición: First
Página Web del Libro: Cique aquí

[Forthcoming] Monstrous Politics
Geography, Rights, and the Urban Revolution in Mexico City
Autores: Ben Gerlofs
Lengua: English
Edición: First
Página Web del Libro: Cique aquí

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