Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press

Welcome to our LASA 2022
Virtual Booth!

We hope that you’ll enjoy browsing through our most recently published titles and journals. We're pleased to offer 30% off many wonderful books, including some fantastic LASA award winners. Our full list of conference titles can be viewed here: Free shipping is available to most countries.

Cambridge University Press is excited to be partnering with LASA to publish Latin American Research Review, a high-quality, high-output, and fully Open Access Journal. Through our partnership, the journal will continue to define and shape the field of Latin American studies in a fast developing open access environment. Learn more about this journal at

Visit our Latin American Studies Hub to read free book chapters and journal articles, watch video interviews with our authors, make contact with our editors, and more! 


Take a look at our Highlighted Journals Titles.


Browse through our comprehensive collection of Latin American Studies Books

Black Legend
The Many Lives of Raúl Grigera and the Power of Racial Storytelling in Argentina
Auteurs: Paulina L. Alberto
Langue: English
Site Web du Livre: Cliquez ici

The Last Abolition
The Brazilian Antislavery Movement, 1868–1888
Auteurs: Angela Alonso
Langue: English
Site Web du Livre: Cliquez ici

Freedom's Captives
Slavery and Gradual Emancipation on the Colombian Black Pacific
Auteurs: Yesenia Barragan
Langue: English
Site Web du Livre: Cliquez ici

Prisons and Crime in Latin America
Auteurs: Marcelo Bergman , Gustavo Fondevila
Langue: English
Site Web du Livre: Cliquez ici

For Land and Liberty
Black Struggles in Rural Brazil
Auteurs: Merle L. Bowen
Langue: English
Site Web du Livre: Cliquez ici

The Politics of Institutional Weakness in Latin America
Auteurs: Edited by Daniel M. Brinks , Steven Levitsky , María Victoria Murillo
Langue: English
Site Web du Livre: Cliquez ici

The Volatility Curse
Exogenous Shocks and Representation in Resource-Rich Democracies
Auteurs: Daniela Campello , Cesar Zucco
Langue: English
Site Web du Livre: Cliquez ici

Modernity in Black and White
Art and Image, Race and Identity in Brazil, 1890–1945
Auteurs: Rafael Cardoso
Langue: English
Site Web du Livre: Cliquez ici

Patchwork Freedoms
Law, Slavery, and Race beyond Cuba's Plantations
Auteurs: Adriana Chira
Langue: English
Site Web du Livre: Cliquez ici

Finding Afro-Mexico
Race and Nation after the Revolution
Auteurs: Theodore W. Cohen
Langue: English
Site Web du Livre: Cliquez ici

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