We are excited to give you a warm welcome at our virtual booth, hoping to introduce you to De Gruyter, our program, and cordially invite you to publish with us:

De Gruyter is a medium-sized publisher with headquarters in Berlin and offices all over the world, from Boston to Beijing. Being a family-owned company with a history spanning over 270 years, De Gruyter is internationally known for its program in the humanities and social sciences. Particularly worthy of mention is our extensive network of publishing partners, which began to form in 2012 with Harvard University Press as the first partner, and to this day continues to grow, including in the Spanish-speaking world with the affiliation of Iberoamericana Vervuert to the network in 2018 as the first Spanish-language partner.

Our well-established program in the field of Hispanic Literature and Linguistics is now actively expanding into Area and Latin American Studies, and offers the opportunity for authors to publish in English, Spanish and Portuguese. Strategically, De Gruyter has positioned itself as an early promoter of Open Access since the beginning of the movement, becoming the largest independent academic publisher of open access books with more than 2,000 such titles available on Thus, De Gruyter fosters the circulation of knowledge linked to Latin American Studies, especially by making publications in Spanish and Portuguese possible.

If you are interested in publishing with us, please feel free to reach out to us directly via e-mail at or through the Request Meeting button on this page. For additional information on the Publisher and our Hispanic and Latin American Studies program, please consult the material available on the right-hand side of the virtual booth.

In the section below, you may get to know the newest additions to our Hispanic and Latin American Studies portfolio, such as:

  • The edited volume Dinámicas lingüísticas de las situaciones de contacto (2021), edited by Azucena Palacios Alcaine and María Sánchez Paraíso. The book has marked the beginning of our new book series Linguistica Latinoamericana, created by the Asociación de Lingüística y Filología de América Latina, which publishes original research on the linguistic reality of any Latin American community and contributions to the theoretical conceptions of any subdiscipline or theoretical school elaborated by scientific communities based in Latin America.
  • Our open access book series Latin American Literatures in the World / Literaturas Latinoamericanas en el Mundo has found its steady continuation, with the latest title Sujetos del deseo. Una exploración sobre la traducción amateur en los años del Panamericanismo by Soledad Marambio being published in November 2021. Two other publications, the edited volumes Literary Landscapes of Time. Multiple Temporalities and Spaces in (Latin) American and Caribbean Literatures and Post-Global Aesthetics. 21st Century Latin American Literatures and Cultures are planned for the last quarter of 2022.
  • As a peek into the not so distant future, we are proud to present the two first publications in our new open-access series Humanidades Digitales y Big Data en Iberoamérica / Digital Humanities and Big Data in Ibero-America: Pensamiento, Pandemia y Big Data and Humanities and Big Data in Ibero-America, both to be published in Fall 2022.

We wish you interesting discoveries!

How Is World Literature Made? The Global Circulations of Latin American Literatures
Auteurs: Gesine Müller
Langue: English
Site Web du Livre: Cliquez ici

Post-Global Aesthetics. 21st Century Latin American Literatures and Cultures
December 2022 / OPEN ACCESS
Auteurs: Gesine Müller & Benjamin Loy (Eds.)
Langue: English, Spanish
Site Web du Livre: Cliquez ici

La literatura latinoamericana en versión francesa. Trabajos del equipo MEDET LAT
Auteurs: Gustavo Guerrero & Gersende Camenen (Eds.)
Langue: Spanish, French
Site Web du Livre: Cliquez ici

World Editors. Dynamics of Global Publishing and the Latin American Case between the Archive and the Digital Age
Auteurs: Gustavo Guerrero, Benjamin Loy & Gesine Müller (Eds.)
Langue: English, Spanish
Site Web du Livre: Cliquez ici

Sujetos del deseo. Una exploración sobre la traducción amateur en los años del Panamericanismo
Auteurs: Soledad Marambio
Langue: Spanish
Site Web du Livre: Cliquez ici

Poetas hispanoamericanas contemporáneas. Poéticas y metapoéticas (siglos XX–XXI)
Auteurs: Milena Rodríguez Gutiérrez (Ed.)
Langue: Spanish
Site Web du Livre: Cliquez ici

Poéticas espectatoriales en Hispanoamérica y Brasil (1800–1847). Ilustración – emancipación – convivencias excluyentes
August 2022 / OPEN ACCESS
Auteurs: Hans Fernández
Langue: Spanish
Site Web du Livre: Cliquez ici

Jewish Literatures in Spanish and Portuguese. A Comprehensive Handbook
October 2022
Auteurs: Ruth Fine & Susanne Zepp (Eds.)
Langue: English
Site Web du Livre: Cliquez ici

Pensamiento, Pandemia y Big Data. El impacto sociocultural del coronavirus en el espacio iberoamericano
November 2022 / OPEN ACCESS
Auteurs: Ana Gallego Cuiñas & José Antonio Pérez Tapias (Eds.)
Langue: Spanish
Site Web du Livre: Cliquez ici

Humanities and Big Data in Ibero-America. Methodological issues and practical applications
November 2022 / OPEN ACCESS
Auteurs: Ana Gallego Cuiñas & Daniel Torres-Salinas (Eds.)
Édition: English
Site Web du Livre: Cliquez ici

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