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Challenges to Democracy in the Andes
Strongmen, Broken Constitutions, and Regimes in Crisis
Auteurs: Maxwell A. Cameron and Grace M. Jaramillo, editors
Langue: English
Édition: 1st
Site Web du Livre: Cliquez ici

Understanding Contemporary Latin America
Auteurs: Henry (Chip) Carey, editor
Langue: English
Édition: 5th
Site Web du Livre: Cliquez ici

The Muslims of Latin America and the Caribbean
Auteurs: Ken Chitwood
Langue: English
Édition: 1st
Site Web du Livre: Cliquez ici

Brazilian Politics on Trial
Corruption and Reform Under Democracy
Auteurs: Luciano Da Ros and Matthew M. Taylor
Langue: English
Édition: 1st
Site Web du Livre: Cliquez ici

China’s Financing in Latin America and the Caribbean
Auteurs: Enrique Dussel Peters, editor
Langue: English
Édition: 1st
Site Web du Livre: Cliquez ici

Policing and Politics in Latin America
When Law Enforcement Breaks the Law
Auteurs: Diego Esparza
Langue: English
Édition: 1st
Site Web du Livre: Cliquez ici

Demystifying Democracy in Latin America and Beyond
Auteurs: Joe Foweraker
Langue: English
Édition: 1st
Site Web du Livre: Cliquez ici

Making Police Reform Matter in Latin America
Auteurs: Mary Fran T. Malone, Lucía Dammert, and Orlando Pérez
Langue: English
Édition: 1st
Site Web du Livre: Cliquez ici

The Politics of Abortion in Latin America
Public Debates, Private Lives
Auteurs: Jane Marcus-Delgado
Langue: English
Édition: 1st
Site Web du Livre: Cliquez ici

Civil War, Crime, and the War on Drugs in Mexico and Central America
Auteurs: William L. Marcy
Langue: English
Édition: 1st
Site Web du Livre: Cliquez ici

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