Expositores Registrados

Livro Expositores LASA2024

Brill (Estande: A17)

Café Dimaté (Estande: C11)

Cambridge University Press (Estande: C5; C6)

Centro Abya-Yala (Estande: A2)

CLACSO (Estande: A4, A5)

Confecciones La Montaña (Estande: C12)

DFG Office Latin America (Estande: A16)

Duke University Press (Estande: Virtual Booth)

Editorial FLACSO Ecuador (Estande: A3)

Editorial Javeriana (Estande: D3; D4)

Editorial Prometeo (Estande: C4)

El Colegio de Mexico (Estande: C8)

Enhacore Books (Estande: A12)

Fountain Pen Translations LLC (Estande: C10)

Fulbright Commissions in Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, and Mexico (Estande: A14)


Iberoamericana Editorial Vervuert (Estande: D5)

International Political Science Association (Estande: Virtual Booth)

Kellog Institute (Estande: A6, A7)

Latin American Perspectives (Estande: C3)

Oxford University Press (Estande: Virtual Booth)

Pragda LLC (Estande: A13)

Project MUSE (Estande: C1)

Siglo (Estande: D1; D2)

University of California Press (Estande: C2)

University of North Carolina Press (Estande: Virtual Booth)

University of Texas Press (Estande: Virtual Booth)

Vanderbilt University Press (Estande: C9)

William J. Perry Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies (Estande: A8)