Frequently Asked Questions - General Information

Where is the congress going to be held?

The XXXVII International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association will be held in Boston, USA.

When is the congress?

The congress will be held from May 24rd – May 27th, 2019.

Does LASA2019 have a theme?

Yes, the theme is "Nuestra América: Justice and Inclusion". All related information can be found on our website at:

What are the official languages of the congress?

English, Spanish, French and Portuguese are the official languages of the congress.

What is a Program Track?

Program tracks are the thematic areas in which you can submit your proposals and in which sessions are grouped.

What are the Program Tracks for LASA2019?

That information can be found on our website at

I am interested in participating in the congress. What options do I have?

Individuals can participate as: paper presenters, chairs, discussants, roundtable participants or workshop participants (which do not require papers). You are also welcome to just attend the congress.

What are the roles allowed at the congress?

A participant is limited to only four active roles in the congress and the role of organizer does not count towards this limit of two roles. Also, an individual is limited to only one paper presentation per congress.

One person can organize as many sessions as they would like. Organizers do not have to present papers in the sessions they organize. They may also participate in another session as a chair, discussant or paper presenter.