Frequently Asked Questions - Panels and Workshops

What exactly do I need to do to organize a panel before the deadline?

A panel must have at least three paper presenters willing to submit a paper proposal as part of your session. The panel must also have one person willing to act as Chair of that panel. The role of discussant is optional, but must also be submitted at the time of the proposal if desired. Individuals interested in organizing a panel can do so by contacting colleagues in their area of interest.

I would like the two panels I submitted to be held in the same room, one after the other. Could you tell me the procedure for making a request of this kind?

Please submit two separate proposals. Session titles should be the same for both panels indicating the order (Part I or Part II). Please keep in mind that we cannot guarantee that the panels will be held one after the other or in the same room. However, we will ensure that Part I is held before Part II.

What information do I need to provide with my session proposal?

In order to present a session proposal the title of the session and a general abstract for the session must be submitted. In panels the title of each paper presentation including an individual abstract for every paper within the panel should be submitted. Complete contact information for each participant in a session is also required.

How do I know if I should submit a workshop/roundtable or a panel?

The workshops/roundtables are organized as a way to exchange information among several individuals, if the participants are not going to present papers, then a workshop/roundtable is the appropriate type of session. On the other hand, you may propose a regular panel if the participants will be presenting papers.

Does LASA have a preference for either a panel or a workshop/roundtable?

LASA does not have a preference for panels or workshops/roundtables. The difference between them is that workshops/roundtables do not include presentations of papers but instead provide an opportunity for the exchange of information or to address a theme. Panels are meant to include formal presentations of papers prepared specifically for the congress. More information on the selection process can be found at:

If more than one person is presenting a paper for the same panel, do they need to be listed as separate presenters or as co-authors, or both?

They do not need to be listed as separate presenters. They should be listed only as co-authors. Both should be listed a “presenters” in the proposal system.

I would like to add someone to my panel who recently submitted an individual proposal, what steps should we take? Is it enough if we simply add a note to the effect that you should disregard his earlier submission, and that he will participate on our panel instead?

Please include the new participant in your panel proposal submission and ask him/her to send us an email to indicating that we should disregard his/her earlier individual submission. Alternatively, he/she can go back into the system and delete his/her submission.

Are the workshops/roundtables held during the regular congress schedule, similar to panels?

The length of workshops/roundtables and panels is identical - approximately 90 minutes. They are scheduled intermittently throughout the congress.