Selection and Allocation Procedure

1. Individual travel grant applications are received by LASA Secretariat by September 15, 2023 at 17:00 hours EDT. For pre-arranged panels, the organizer cannot request travel grants for his/her participants. Each participant must apply for a grant individually. Co-authors must also each apply for their own grant.

2. The following items are confirmed by the LASA Secretariat per application. If the following criteria is not met, the candidate will be removed from consideration.

  • The candidate is presenting a paper at a panel (not a workshop/roundtable). The candidate agrees that the paper will be included in the electronic congress proceedings.
  • The candidate resides in Latin America (students and non-students), is a student (outside of Latin America), is a U.S. non-tenured track professor or a professor outside of Latin America and the U.S.
  • The candidate has provided all the information requested for evaluation.

3. Applications, along with the CVs, are grouped by tracks and sent to the Track Chairs/ Program Chairs/ Grants Committee for evaluation and ranking.

The candidates will be ranked according to merit/quality of paper. The papers are evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Significance and appeal for the field and scholars in related fields.
  • Clarity and coherence in the presentation of theme or argument.
  • Compliance with submission instructions.

4. The sessions accepted, along with the Travel Grantees ranked, are sent to LASA Secretariat.

5. LASA Secretariat calculates the percentage of sessions accepted compared to the number of sessions proposed by track. For example, if 50 sessions are accepted in the AGR track out of 100 sessions proposed, the acceptance rate of sessions for the AGR track was 50%.

6. The percentage of sessions accepted is utilized to calculate the percentage of travel grants awarded. The awarding of travel grants is guided by the ranking list that the Grant Committee/Track Chairs and Program Chairs provide. For example, from the example above, the top 50% of the total travel grant proposals in the AGR track will be accepted and will receive a travel grant. This same exercise is repeated per track to proportionately assign grants according to the size/acceptance rate of sessions in each track.

7. Notifications of travel grant acceptances are sent to participants by December 15, 2023. Participants are requested to accept the travel grant and sign a contract by January 20, 2024. If the travel grant is not accepted by the deadline, the offer will be revoked. Grants are not given to anyone who is not on the list. Additionally, LASA Secretariat will always honor the ranking of the travel grants and will not assign grants based on requests.