Regulations for Exhibitors

Exhibition Location, Dates, and Hours

The LASA2023 will take place in the Vancouver Convention Centre, Vancouver, British Columbia. The Exhibit Hall will be open Thursday, May 25; Friday, May 26, and Saturday, May 27 from 9:30 a.m. – 7:30 p.m.

Install and Tear Down

Exhibitors will set up their exhibits on Wednesday, May 24 from 2:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. (subject to change). Exhibitors can dismantle their exhibits on Saturday, May 27, 7:30 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. Booth dismantling must be completed during that time, early dismantling is not permitted.

Assignment of Space

Booth assignments are made at the time of purchase or will be assigned by the LASA Staff when a paper order form has been submitted. Booth space may only be occupied and operated by the original paying exhibitor. Sponsors will be granted prime location booths.

Eligibility to Exhibit and Advertise

The contents and material on display must be consistent with the Latin American Studies discipline, and the professional development of scholars, professionals, educators, and students. LASA reserves the right to restrict exhibitions and advertising materials that are inconsistent with the referral mentioned above and that interfere with the best interest of the overall exhibition.

Rental Fees and Payment Schedule

Payment is due in full at the time of purchase. The deadline for purchasing is March 24, 2023.


Any cancellation before April 1, 2023, will be refunded less a $350 service fee. Any cancellation after April 1, 2023, will not be refunded. LASA reserves the right to rearrange the floor plan if any problems arise. If an exhibitor fails to occupy the space contracted by Thursday, May 25 by 9:30 AM, the space may be reassigned by LASA without obligation of a refund. The exhibitor that arrives after the setup time must occupy a relocated space.


Registration will take place prior to the Congress by submitting your exhibit booth staff names and email addresses. A LASA or MaestroMeetings representative will reach out to the primary contact to collect that information. Three complimentary registrations will be provided per booth. Exhibitors are required to always wear their badges for admission to the Exhibition Hall. Badges are non-transferable and can only be worn by the original paying exhibitor representatives. Only authorized booth representatives will be allowed in the Exhibit Hall during set-up and teardown hours. 
Note: Congress participants are required to purchase Congress registration. Exhibitor badges do not qualify for Congress participation.

Laws and Regulations

Exhibitors must comply with all fire, health, and safety regulations at the Convention Centre. Excess exhibition materials must be properly stored with the Levy Expo services, not stored under booth tables, in aisles, or behind the drapery. No construction is allowed at the sides of the booth tables, in aisles, or behind the drapery. No construction is allowed at the sides of the booth that may obstruct the view of the adjacent booths. During Exhibition hours exhibitors are required to not leave their booths unattended. It is prohibited during the exhibition to assign or sublet any space assigned. Exhibitors are responsible to obtain insurance covering the Exhibitor’s property. Exhibitors understand that neither LASA nor the Vancouver Convention Centre is responsible for providing insurance to exhibitors.

Sales and taxes

All exhibitors who conduct sales during the Congress are responsible for obtaining a valid license and collecting sales tax in the Exhibit Hall.  Exhibitors are responsible to have all the business & custom requirements associated with the city of Vancouver, Canada.


LASA will provide security during the exhibitors' install, tear-down, and when the exhibit hall is closed to the public. However, LASA and the Vancouver Convention Centre are not responsible for any loss or theft of exhibitors’ materials. LASA and the Vancouver Convention Centre are not liable for harm or damage to exhibitor property, employees, or agents due to theft, fire, accident, or other causes. The exhibitor hereby releases LASA and the Vancouver Convention Centre from any such claims of any kind and nature and agrees to indemnify LASA and the VCC against any claims arising from the activities of the exhibitor, its officers, and employees.

Private Functions

Exhibitors may not schedule or host private functions, cocktail parties, special events, or other hospitality functions without the consent of the Special Projects Coordinator. Social functions must be programmed and scheduled at a time and place that does not interfere with the activities of the exhibition.

Damage to Property

The exhibitor is liable for damages caused by the exhibitor, exhibitor’s agents, employees, or representatives to building floors, walls, or columns, or to the standard booth equipment, or to other exhibitor’s property. It is prohibited to use any kind of paint, lacquer, adhesive, or other coatings to building columns, floor, or walls, or to stand booth equipment.


All work for the provided exhibit space must be performed by personnel of the union with local jurisdiction or by their own personnel and need to have a visible identification of their company status. Exhibitors have the option of utilizing Levy Expo services. LASA won’t be responsible for any fees or extra charges for any services contracted by the exhibitor.


All points not covered specifically by these regulations are subject to the decision of LASA. LASA may, in its sole discretion, make reasonable changes, amendments, or additions to the Contract Regulations. LASA will provide exhibitors written notice of any change or addition to these regulations.